TED Video
Video: Living Beyond Limits http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_purdy_living_beyond_limits.html
This Ted video is really inspiring. In the video Amy Purdy talks about her dreams and the challenges she conquered to achieve them. The day after her high school graduation she moves to a place with snow and worked as a massage therapist but she always dreamed of becoming a pro snowboarder. One day she went home from work early with what she thought was the flu it turned out that she had bacterial meningitis and then two days later she had lost both her legs, her spline, and kidneys. What made this video so interesting and inspiring is that after a couple of months of depression she finally accepted her new reality, but not any limitations. Amy didn't find any prosthetics that would allow her to snowboard, so she built her own. Amy asked herself: “If life were a book and I was the author how would I want this story to go?” At that point Amy new that she wasn't going to let her condition keep her from her dream and she was determined to snow board again. Today, she is a world champion female adaptive snowboarder. In 2005. she co-founded Adaptive Action Sports, a non-profit dedicated to introducing people with physical challenges to action sports. After watching this video is make me more appreciative of how good I got it, and inspires be that the obstacles that we face everyday that people feel that they can't overcome are possible to overcome if you just don't let them stop you. Amy is living beyond limits!